4 Reasons Klassly is THE safest daycare app

Klassly+Klassboard Protect Your Sensitive Information Without Compromising Ease of Communication
When it comes to communicating with parents in a classroom setting, it's important to ensure that sensitive information is protected. Klassroom is a company that focuses on security, and their Klassly+Klassboard communication platform is designed to protect sensitive information without compromising ease of communication.
No Unauthorized Visitors in Your Classroom
One of the most critical features of Klassly+Klassboard is its 2-step verification process, which ensures that no unauthorized users can access your classroom. To gain access, parents must enter the class key to request access. After receiving the request, the teacher verifies that the user is indeed a parent before accepting the request. This process ensures that only authorized users can access the classroom, protecting sensitive information and providing peace of mind to parents and teachers alike.
GDPR and FERPA Compliant
In addition to its 2-step verification process, Klassly+Klassboard is fully GDPR and FERPA compliant. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is a set of regulations aimed at protecting the privacy of EU citizens, while FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) is a US federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. Being compliant with these regulations ensures that sensitive information is protected and that parents and students have control over their data.
Encrypted Data Transmissions and Protected Files
Klassly+Klassboard also encrypts all data transmissions, ensuring that sensitive information is protected while in transit. Additionally, all files are protected, ensuring that only authorized users can access them. This level of protection ensures that sensitive information is always safeguarded, even if it falls into the wrong hands.
Other Daycare Apps Are simply Not as Safe
Unfortunately, many daycare apps do not enforce common security measures required for basic privacy protection. For example, a MakeUseOf article titled "Why Childcare Apps Are Dangerous for Security" notes that "most daycare applications do not enforce common security measures required for basic privacy protection." Similarly, a recent EFF article titled "Daycare Apps Are Dangerously Insecure" found that many daycare apps have weak password policies, Facebook tracking, clear text traffic enabled, and vectors for malicious apps to view sensitive data.
→ https://www.makeuseof.com/why-childcare-apps-dangerous-security/
→ https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/06/daycare-apps-are-dangerously-insecure
In conclusion, Klassly+Klassboard is a communication platform designed to protect sensitive information without compromising ease of communication. Its 2-step verification process, GDPR and FERPA compliance, encrypted data transmissions, and protected files all ensure that sensitive information is always safeguarded. In a world where many daycare apps fall short on security, Klassly+Klassboard provides a safe and reliable way for parents and teachers to communicate.