Classroom app - Klassboard
by KlassroomThe simplicity of Klassly for the whole school.

Leadership simplified. Accessible & User-friendly !
It’s very easy to join Klassboard :

Fill up your school information

Link all Klassly classes created by your teachers

Enjoy ! Manage your school easily
Access every class, student and family
All in one place.

Simple broadcasting feature.

Send one message to the entire school for all students and families to see. With Klassboard you can create messages and broadcast them to all Klassly classes instantly, or a specific class or students families only. Use instant messages to reach students parents in case of emergencies. Collect valuable information about the impact of your messages.
Create it. Share it. Manage and repeat.

A simple way to oversee school-wide attendance

Is everybody here ? Manage school-wide attendance easily : Get information and statistics about delays and absences for all your students. Prevent school drop-outs and communicate with families.

Monitor school life.
Follow school activities easily. Keep track of all stats at a glance: absences, message engagement, number of views, etc....

We respect your Data.
Everything you share on Klasswork stays private.
All data is used solely by Klassroom for the purposes and operations offered in the app to enable its proper function and access to available services.
It's all kept safe!
Our headquarters are in France
All personal data of our users are stored at OVH Roubaix or AWS datacenter in the Paris region. It’s completely safe !
No datas exploitation.
Never shared, rented or sold
As contractually specified in our general terms and conditions of use, this data will never be transferred or rented to third parties.
Data-safe business model
In-App premium options.
Klassroom's business model is based on the sales of premium options to individual users and/or schools/communities and not on the monetization of users' personal data.